Biofeedback Games that Promote Emotional and Mental Health
Short thesis:
We combine neuroscience technology (EEG-based neurofeedback) and clinical psychology techniques with emotionally evocative game design to develop video games that promote emotional health and well being. To illustrate our multidisciplinary approach, I will present one of our games, MindLight, a novel neurofeedback video game for children.
In MindLight, your mind is the joystick and through play, children learn skills that decrease anxiety in their everyday lives. Through rigorous clinical trials, we've been able to demonstrate the effectiveness of MindLight for reducing anxiety in at-risk children. The promise of future innovations for applied games that use neuro- and biofeedback tools and integrate VR and mobile platforms will be discussed.
Through the combination of emotionally evocative design and evidence-based behavioural change mechanisms, these tools have the potential to dramatically improve the mental health of the next generation of youth.