Online Freedom of Expression in the Arab World: Obstacles and Solutions

Media Convention
re:publica 2016

Short thesis: 

The session will focus on the obstacles and challenges facing freedom of expression online throughout the Arab World. A number of experts from different parts of the Arab World will talk about the technical, political, legislative and societal challenges to freedom of expression and hope to discuss possible solutions.


Bringing in different perspectives of exprets from different parts of the Arab World, the discussants will shed light on the obstacles facing online freedom of expression in the region with a focus on the technical, political, legislative and societal challenges. We will be bringing in specific case studies from Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt. The session will then open up the floor to include the audience in a discussion on how to find solutions to these obstacles. 

Stage 6
Tuesday, May 3, 2016 - 17:30 to 18:00




Gender and Tech Coordinator/ Co-Founder
Tactical Tech Collective/ VecBox
Director for International Freedom of Expression