Renata Avila

Renata Avila

Campaign Lead, Web We Want

Renata Avila is a human rights lawyer specialised in Intellectual Property and New Technologies from Guatemala. She worked as one of the lawyers representing the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum. Involved in Internet and Human Rights research since 2009, she joined Sir Tim Berners-Lee as to coordinate the work of the Web We Want campaign at the Web Foundation, dedicated to preserving and upholding human rights, responding to threats to the future of the Internet. She currently serves as a Board Member of Creative Commons Board of Directors. She is also a member of Courage Foundation advisory board, assisting whistleblowers and sources at risk and in the D-Cent board, exploring the future of decentralised technologies. He is  researching the impact of biometrics in refugee camps. 

Twitter @avilarenata​