The #rp15 Survey: "Ease. Variety. General Mood."


Almost 80% will come to re:publica again, horay! credit: re:publica (CC BY-SA 2.0)

There’s always room for improvement, which is why we asked you to take part in our survey a few weeks ago. We requested your participation and honest feedback, and there were 1046 people who took part! Wow, that’s so much more than ever before. Thanks a lot for all your support!

Some of the things we wanted to know about this year: What was particularly good and noteworthy at #rp15, what wasn’t as good? Where can we do better, which motto would you like to see realized, and much more. Your suggestions are always valuable to us, and now we’ll see which of them we can implement.

The majority of our visitors are between 31 and 40 years old (37.45 %) and employed (54.13 %). What we are particularly pleased about is that 44.17 percent of participants are female, up another two percent compared to last year. And 79 percent stayed for the whole three days of #rp15. In view of long hours and countless talks, we’re happy to say that you’ve shown quite some resilience. 42 percent responded that they were first-time participants, compared to 31.76 and 26.89 percent for second and third-time visitors respectively.

With 7000 people in one place over three days, it’s not easy to find a quiet space with all the commotion. It was requested a couple of times that there should be more quiet areas, including at the evening parties for all those who don’t want to dance and just want a sit down.
But generally, the overall atmosphere and feel and the variety of guests were some of the main things you liked most about re:publica. We must say we’re delighted! Watch our video, "Finding Moments", with some impressions from the event:


"You never stop learning", and even if many of you (51.35 %) see re:publica as something of a class reunion and a chance to meet old friends, 53.44 percent of you also see the conference as professional training and education. But the top reason for coming is still the contents: 84.35 percent replied that they had visited because of our program.
Even though that number speaks for itself, there were some different opinions regarding the program: Some thought it was too crowded and lacking clear focus, but there were many others who particularly liked the variety of topics.

And finally, the most important point: nearly 80 percent of you responded that you will be back next year – and we already look forward to seeing you again!

If you want to know more about the survey details, you can download the 32 questions and answers below. Questions that were answered ad lib aren’t directly included. But we did read your answers of course, and we’re very happy about the constructive criticism, suggestions and praise we received. You are welcome to send further comments or remarks via our Contact form or via email to

Thank you all for participating!


photo credit: re:publica (CC BY-SA 2.0)
