Taina Guedes

Taina Guedes

CEO & Curator

Tainá Guedes, author, artist, curator, food activist and formed cook. CEO and Curator at Entretempo Kitchen Gallery, Berlin, the most innovative contemporary art Gallery working on the field of Food Art. Guedes has been working on different projects involving art and food, as for example “Berlin Food Art Week”, "Share your Food" - an art-food event and magazine, where she cooks and invites people to share what they believe could make our world a better place; "Kochen und Quatschen", a meeting with an anthroposophic doctor and midwife. Latest works are Fruit Loot (2011) with the Lynn Peemoeller; collaboration at time/ bank/ time/ food from the artists Julieta Aranda and Anton Vidok (2012); release of “Kochen mit Brot” book (2013), Bread Sound Installation at Markthalle Neun, Berlin (2013), "Fair Tale - a Food Installation" at the Art Festival "48 Hour Neukölln", Berlin (2013), "Musical Garden" at Papageno School, Berlin (2013), “Food ways” (2014), “Água-viva, living water, jellyfish” (ongoing), Butoh Kitchen (ongoing), “Luxo, lixo” (2015), My roots (2015). Awarded with the German Dm-UNESCO Prize for Engagement.


re:publica 2016