Being the change: co-creation and innovation in Africa-Europe intercontinental teams

Global Innovation Gathering (GIG)
re:publica 2016


Our talk aims to show African innovation and the way it is helping to contribute to the continent's development. Co-creation spaces set up by and for young people are letting young Africans take more control over their own lives and careers.


Ouagalab (Burkina Faso) will show you how this is happening. This grassroots innovation lab is driving forward social and technological change through its approach of getting things done with other people, and the way it promotes access to local digital education.  

At the same international associations, such as the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA), assume their role of being intercultural ambassadors and knowledge exchange facilitators through the programmes, such as Erasmus+/Erasmus Mundus of the European Union, which for higher education fosters both individual learning mobility and institutional innovative partnerships.


Lightning Talks 2
Dienstag, 3. Mai 2016 - 10:00 bis 10:30
Lightning Talk


Project Management&Funding Team