New media, old money? Webvideo wird Mainstream.
Von der demokratischen Plattform für enthusiastische Videomacher zu einem Konzern, der nicht mehr schnell agieren kann und von allen Seiten belagert wird, denn Facebook macht ernst und Snapchat das Senden wieder populär. Wie verändert sich der Markt, wenn Konzerne hinter den Angeboten stehen? Welche Inhalte sind im Mainstream gefragt? Welchen Einfluss hat die neue Konkurrenz auf Inhalte, Macher und Vermarkter?
Keynote mit anschließender Diskussion.
Note: The talk will be held in German but will be translated into English.
Traditional media companies and brands are suddenly buying new, highly promising media makers and influencers. “Older” players today stand behind most of the larger YouTube offerings and networks. YouTube has thus changed significantly in recent years, from a democratic platform for enthusiastic video makers to a corporation that can no longer act quickly. Moreover, it faces threats from all sides, as Facebook is taking the gloves off, and Snapchat is becoming increasingly popular. How does the market change when big corporations stand behind the offerings? What content is popular in the mainstream? What kind of influence is the new competition having on content, creators, and marketers?