Vivienne Chow
Vivienne Chow
Vivienne Chow is an award-winning journalist and critic based in Hong Kong. She was named one of the world's best young journalists while representing HK at the inaugural Berlinale Talent Press in 2004 at the Berlin International Film Festival. In 2015, Vivienne was awarded the IJP Fellowship for mid-career training and to conduct research on cultural policies in Berlin, Germany. She was a member of the South China Morning Post's award-winning news team that covered the 79-day Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong.
Vivienne has written extensively on arts and cultural affairs for Hong Kong and international publications. She often speaks publicly and commenting on Hong Kong and China cultural affairs. In 2014 Vivienne founded Cultural Journalism Campus, a non-profit educational initiative to promote cultural journalism and art criticism. The initiative was awarded a Merit in Arts Education by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2015.
Vivienne holds a degree in journalism from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and MA in cultural studies from The University of Hong Kong researching on cultural policy. She recently contributed an essay to Creativity and Culture in Contemporary Greater China by Bridge21 Publications.
Vivienne has more than 16 years of experience in the media and currently contributes to the South China Morning Post, Quartz, Variety and the BBC. She publishes her own blog Culture Shock at