Victoria Wenzelmann
Victoria Wenzelmann
Vicy is a member of the AfricaHackTrip crew. This group of European developers and designers went on a journey to East Africa to meet, work, play and build connections with their counterparts. In 5 weeks, they visited 4 countries where they hosted barcamps and hackathons in cooperation with the different tech hubs and explored the local tech scenes, often focussing on women in tech and open knowledge sharing. The AfricaHackTrip crew wanted to connect with local developers and designers to enable continuous collaboration - and that aim has certainly been reached! A documentary movie about the experiences, people and places will finally be finished in April 2016 - just in time for a premiere at rpTEN.
Vicy is also a part of GIG Global Innovation Gathering and is writing this from #hackerbeach in Canoa/Ecuador while chatting to other GIGers about all the tinkering, making and hacking that is going to happen at the GIG Makerspace during rpTEN.