Possibilities for using speech and gesture recognition for the future of mobility

re:think Mobility
re:publica 2015


Speech and Gestures are guiding our way into the future of mobility and play an important role in our daily lives and the way we get along. This session will provide insights on how speech and gestures impact the way we communicate and interact with each other as well as with our surroundings and also proves how powerful gestures can be for expressing ourselves.


Imagine that our navigation systems would know what we want with just some little gestures or using voice control for driving our cars. Philipp Wex is working on such technologies and will give us some insights on the process and technical approaches of speech interaction within an automobile. Now we can use speech and gestures to steer our cars – about time we had a look at digital body language and how to understand each other’s non-verbal cues across digital boarders. In Vanessa van Edward’s contribution to the session we will use the latest research on online human behavior to learn about the concept of digital body language and how our body language and the usage of gestures change in our mobile and digital environment: Do we use different gestures today? How can we make use of these with regard to the mobile world and the future of mobility? And why is it becoming so important? With his performance of poetry in sign language, Mathias Schäfer will bring us back to Berlin and show us the power of gestures and movement for storytelling and a unique view on the future of mobility.


This session is part of our re:think mobility track, presented by Daimler.

Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2015 - 16:15 bis 17:15


Speech Interaction & User Sensing